
Lost S5E1/2: Because You Left/The Lie

* why does sawyer have no clothes anymore?

My apologies in not getting this up earlier. I've been embroiled in our Mayor's sex scandal and furiously not caring about what he does in his bedroom. I even attended a rally. Isn't that nice? I wanted to re-watch the episode at least one more time before I finally came to a conclusion about what I thought. It so happens it took me through the weekend to finally get through the two-hour season premiere one more time. After watching it again I still don't know what to think. So…here it comes.

I don't think I like this episode. Usually we get a nice mindfuck out of a Lost premiere and if the fact that the island is traveling through time is the mindfuck then consider me fucked. I couldn't figure out what Faraday was doing in the past and somehow I just pictured it as he had been on the island before and hasn't aged since. It would make total sense considering the storyline of the natives…you know…how Richard doesn't age or anything. Oh, and I have a new theory on Richard. I think he was originally a member of the crew on the Black Rock. Also, remember when he went to little John Locke and asked him which items were his and one of them was a compass? Yeah, guess that mystery was just solved.

Sun is mad. Real mad. Mad enough that she wants Caleb Nichol…err…I mean Charles Widmore to help her kill Benjamin Linus. So non-island Sun is evil. Me likey. Some lawyers show up to take blood samples from Kate and Aaron to see if she is really the mother. Obviously she isn't and the lawyers don't want to tell her who they work for. This leads us to the inevitable part where Kate starts running away from the law again. She's always running. If Evangeline Lilly weren't so hot this would really be annoying. Since she is really hot I'll let it slide.

* what is wrong with hurley's skin?

Sayid busts Hurley out of the insane asylum. People are trying to catch them, which leads to an awesome scene where Sayid kills a guy by throwing him onto a dishwasher tray that has knives sticking up from it despite getting a tranquilizer dart to the neck. Now that's how to kill a guy! Hurley is still seeing ghosts. In this case it's Ana Lucia. She tells him to lay low. Hurley does this by buying a XXXXXL shirt that says, "I (Heart) My Shih Tzu." Way to go, Mr. Moral Compass. Ben flushes Jack's pills down the toilet and now he can't go back to being sad beardo Jack. We also find out Ben has to get everyone back to the island in 70 hours or, "God help us all."

I don't really know how to react to these episodes. They weren't exactly what I was expecting for the new season. I definitely like the "two groups" aspect they have going on: the Oceanic 6 + Ben, and Locke & the group back on the island. I kind of chuckled to myself when Sawyer spent the entire first hour shirtless. I guess the writers know the demographic they're trying to get. Ladies, am I right? Anyway, what were your reactions? Like it, loved it, or hated it with all your being?


Anonymous said...

The lawyer was sent by Claire's mother.

Anonymous said...


hans blix said...

Charlie's mother? Where do you gather your information? I demand to know your basis of a theory!

Anonymous person. Best season premiere ever? In capitol letters no less. Come now. Apparently you've ignored Battlestar Galactica.

What do you think about this one? Ms. Hawking is Faraday's mom. Just another theory...

Anonymous said...

Was Claire's mom the lawyer's client?

Anonymous said...

She saw the resemblance during Kate's trial. The baby looks nothing like Kate, but does look like Claire. She wants custody of Aaron and part of the settlement.

Anonymous said...

If Ms. Hawking was Faraday’s mother, why would he spend his life studying something she could have just as easily explained to him? Instead, we’re meant to think that Ms. Hawking is his mother but the truth will be much larger.

hans blix said...

Remember how Faraday told Desmond that his mother was the only person that could help and he couldn't quite get her name out before he flashed through time?

I just have a strong feeling on this one.

I don't know if it was Claire's mom. I think they were just more of Ben's agents trying to get Aaron because they all have to return to the island. All of them including Aaron.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that "Dream Police" was playing when Hurley bought the shirt? But, with time travel, are his dreams really memories?

andrea said...

seriously -- what is wrong with hurley's skin?!?!